石渠 是一个汉语词语,拼音是shí qú。
拼音: shí qú
注音: ㄕˊ ㄑㄩˊ
近同音词: 失去(shī qù)市区(shì qū)识趣(shí qù)时区(shí qū)拾取(shí qǔ)时趋(shí qū)适趣(shì qù)识取(shí qǔ)识曲(shí qǔ)诗趣(shī qù)诗癯(shī qú)世曲(shì qǔ)诗衢(shī qú)市衢(shì qú)时趣(shí qù)时曲(shí qǔ)诗臞(shī qú)视区(shì qū)逝去(shì qù)拭去(shì qù)
解释: 词语解释石渠shí qú◎石筑的水渠。见“石渠阁" class=primary href=/cidian/ci-8c6571e65>石渠阁”。翻译英语 Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet), name of several historical figures, stone chann...