五刑 是一个汉语词语,拼音是wǔ xíng。
拼音: wǔ xíng
注音: ㄨˇ ㄒㄧㄥˊ
近同音词: 五行(wǔ xíng)武刑(wǔ xíng)五形(wǔ xíng)无形(wú xíng)悟性(wù xìng)五星(wǔ xīng)无性(wú xìng)乌行(wū xíng)物形(wù xíng)物性(wù xìng)五幸(wǔ xìng)五性(wǔ xìng)吴兴(wú xīng)洿行(wū xíng)诬行(wū xíng)无行(wú xíng)污行(wū xíng)骛行(wù xíng)鹜行(wù xíng)无刑(wú xíng)五姓(wǔ xìng)汙行(wū xíng)
解释: 词语解释五刑wǔ xíng◎我国古代的五种刑罚,通常指墨、劓、宫、大辟,也指笞、杖、徒、流、死。英文the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China;翻译英语 imperial five punishments of feudal China, up to Han times: tattooing characte on the forehead 墨[mo4], cutting off the nose 劓[yi4], amputation of ...